About us

Welcome to the Druckluftzentrum Dortmund

We have 15+ years of compressed air experience

Our team consists of professional and experienced experts from all areas of compressed air supply. We advise you along the entire compressed air chain – from production to application. We offer you a wide range of products, know-how and services. We are also happy to support you with unconventional topics related to compressed air.

We are an innovative company with a focus on quality, safety, reliability and sustainability. We have over 15+ years of experience in the field of compressed air technology – but we don’t rest on our laurels. We constantly look beyond the horizon, always looking for the latest tool, the next idea or the best strategic approach to secure and improve the supply of compressed air to our customers.

Dr. Jan Hauser


Follow our guidelines

“Mediocrity is not our standard”. The high standards we set for the products and components we use are also set for ourselves.

The professional qualification of our employees, continuous further training and the partnership-based cooperation with our customers is our top priority.

Our strategy
Our projects always start with the analysis of the individual needs of our customers. We also offer standard solutions, but our passion lies in the development of tailor-made concepts in partnership with our customers.
Our philosophy
Our philosophy includes open and fair dealings with our customers. Each of our customers can expect us to be there for them around the clock and always have an open ear for all questions and needs. Our presence on site is an important prerequisite for a lasting relationship of trust based on partnership. For us, long-term and lasting customer loyalty is more important than a one-off quick deal.
We plan and tackle for you
Our experience in the field of compressed air technology as well as our competence in planning and implementing projects of any size ensure that we realistically evaluate new tasks and routinely put them into practice. We accompany and support you in the operative implementation of the solutions we develop and do not leave it at the elaboration of the strategic guidelines.
We never rest
We constantly sound out the market for new products, technical possibilities or innovative ideas. We filter out the most interesting solutions, test them thoroughly and pass on our experience and knowledge to you.